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Ethics Code

Code of Ethics

Ethics are the guidelines which delineate and strengthen our moral fiber. They shape the way we live, the way we conduct business, and the relationships we form during the course of conducting business.

Our Business Code of Ethics:

  • It is imperative that we understand and work within the ethical guidelines of both Optimum SCR and our clients.
  • We treat all people and institutions with the same respect that we would expect for ourselves.
  • As a provider of supply chain talent, our process is proactively managed to identify and ensure the inclusion of all qualified diversity candidates.
  • We understand that our customer/client is the company that pays our fees.
  • Our success is derived from our customer’s success.
  • As a representative of both your company and your Human Resource Department, we act in the manner that is most suitable to your wishes.
  • We understand the requirements and responsibilities of the position(s) through our client’s eyes.
  • We only refer candidates who express an interest in your position.
  • We never accept or encourage the giving of any money, gifts, gratuities or rewards from candidates or applicants.
  • It is our obligation to work as diligently, responsively, effectively and thoroughly as possible to find our clients the most qualified candidates.
  • If, during the interviewing process, information is discovered which indicates falsification of facts on the candidate’s part, we will notify you.
  • During the reference checking process, we are as objective in our questioning as possible.
  • We do not prejudice or alter the information gathered from the candidate’s references in order to secure a placement.
  • We ensure that the candidates we interview and refer to you fully understand the position’s responsibilities, title, salary and reason for opening.
  • We do not refer candidates you have an interest in to other retained clients.
  • Regarding candidate(s) of particular interest, we apprise you of any changes in their status.
  • If, during the search process, we realize your position would be unsuitable for a candidate, it is our obligation to notify both you and the candidate.
  • We do not recruit candidates from our clients.
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Contact Us Today

If you’re trying to fill executive positions within your company, there’s no reason to for you to do it alone when you can work with a dedicated partner like us. To find top talent for the vacant executive positions in your organization, contact Optimum Supply Chain Recruiters now.

Fill a Position 800-300-7609