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Hire Top Talent

Hire Top Talent
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Serving Our Clients Since 1965

Your time is valuable to us and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

In 1965 Hunt Ltd. was established in NYC as the nation’s first recruiting organization specializing in warehousing and transportation.  Over the years, through the sophistication and transformation of the discipline, supply chain recruiting became its bed mark. Don Jacobson was a partner in this groundbreaking organization. He took this knowledge and through acquisition built Optimum Supply Chain Recruiters into the nation’s leading specialized boutique recruiting organization with expertise in all facets of the supply chain including: Distribution, Logistics and Procurement. No other recruiting organization can equal this level of experience and dedication to the supply chain discipline.

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Everything We Do is Supply Chain Related
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Reduced Time to Find Qualified Candidates
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Personalized Service
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Fill Your Open Positions

We are so confident in our ability to match the right candidates with the appropriate positions our clients are trying to fill that we offer an extended guarantee. Also, once our intake discussion takes place with your company, we strive to have a list of vetted professionals sent your way within 7 days. Check out our ethics code to learn more about working with us.

Fill a Position  800-300-7609