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Client FAQ’s

We understand the importance of finding local talent when necessary.

Since we are specialist in the logistics and supply chain discipline, we handle all levels from an analyst and supervisor up to a Chief Logistics Officer. Each position needs a special level of service. We will work with you to come up with the best way possible to work with you so that you can derive the maximum benefit from the service.

With a candidate base of almost 30,000 we can supply you with a specialized local candidate in short notice for those times that a temporary solution is needed.

Our guarantees range from 30 days to 6 months depending on the level of service. We will work with you so that the guarantee makes sense to you.

We are recruiters! We use our internal database and we are very involved in the association that our candidates participate. All of our recruiters are LinkedIn super users as well.

We will provide this service at no cost as indicated by our client’s needs.

Because we are so specialized and our processes are so fine tuned, we are able to reduce the time it takes for you to see the first of the potential candidate to a few business days.

We are comfortable and have been successful in placing people from coast to coast including Canada and Mexico. We have partners in other parts of the world to help us handle global opportunities.

Learn more about our ethics.

Candidate FAQ’s

We are a specialized recruiting organization for the Supply Chain and Logistics discipline.

We can help you from early in your career right through to helping you find a senior level position.

You, as a candidate will not be charged for our services. Our client will pay us our fee.

We believe that it is best to go through your school’s career center and become active in the associations that best fit your career expertise.

First, we will never share your resume without first learning more about you and sharing with you the opportunity that we believe you would have a sincere interest.

Follow us on our LinkedIn home page. It is there you will find our new listings and articles about improving and advancing your career.

Please put down your last salary and what you consider your minimum if the opportunity made sense. If location is important, let us know that as well.

All you need to do is submit a resume and there is a field for you to put in your preferences where you would like to live. We will only call you for those places.

Absolutely, as long as they specialize in our discipline. If we approach you with an opportunity that another recruiter has already been in touch with you just let us know.

Although we are not a resume writing service, we will make recommendations on how to improve upon what you currently have.

We will only introduce you to an opportunity that we believe makes sense to you. It will be up to you to let us know that it is a good opportunity and one that you would like to have.

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Contact Optimum Supply Chain Recruiters

Get in touch with one of our recruiters by filling out our contact form. If you want supplementary content on the supply chain discipline then our blog is a great resource!

Hire Top Talent800-300-7609