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Procurement Positions

Procurement Positions - Investor working new startup project

Positions In Procurement

Procurement professionals play a crucial role in helping businesses maintain a healthy bottom line. With elements of strategy, negotiation and risk analysis, procurement positions offer a diverse, exciting work environment, along with great pay and security. Optimum Supply Chain Recruiters specializes in matching candidates with the ideal career opportunities. By submitting your resume to us, you can spend less time filling out applications and more time building up your marketable skills.

If you want to launch or advance your career in procurement, OptimumSCR and our large network of employers can help.

Find a Job  800-300-7609

Procurement Roles

Sourcing products involves being an eagle-eyed buyer and finding effective ways to save a company money while ensuring efficient, high-quality shipments. Executive procurement positions demand in-depth, hands-on knowledge of this field. If you have experience in procurement or logistics, a procurement role is a great way to advance your career. Some of the roles we hire for include:

  • Vice President of Procurement
  • Director of Procurement
  • Associate Director of Procurement
  • Senior Strategic Sourcing Manager
  • Procurement Manager
  • Procurement Operations Manager
  • Category Manager
  • Buyer
  • Senior Buyer

Whether you’re looking to start working as a procurement specialist or take charge as a president or  procurement director, you’ll be essential to the company’s supply chain. You might haggle a contract in the morning, analyze data after lunch and strategize a new procurement plan in the afternoon. Whatever your day entails, you can expect to work in a dynamic, engaging environment.

This field is rife with open positions and opportunity, so working in procurement can be a good way to find career security.

Applying to Procurement Roles

Executive roles call for experience, ranging from a few years in the business for an analyst to five or more for a management position. Presidents and directors will likely need more. If you’re familiar with the field of procurement or logistics, executive procurement positions can provide a great trajectory for your career path.

Finding one of these roles doesn’t need to be time-consuming or cumbersome. Rather than writing countless cover letters, send your resume our way. We’ll look things over, add you to our network and look for procurement opportunities that match your needs. We have over 30 years of experience in supply chain recruitment and maintain partnerships with companies across the United States. We’ll match you up with roles that support your goals and background.

Procurement Positions - Investor working new startup project

Submit Your Resume

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Send Your Resume to OptimumSCR

Procurement positions are an excellent way to further your career, and OptimumSCR aims to make the career hunt easier. Our attentive team focuses on identifying quality matches that will benefit you and your potential employer. Submit your resume today to take the first step toward your next role.

Find a Job 800-300-7609