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Procurement Recruitment

Procurement Recruitment

Procurement Search Firm

Procurement recruiters play a crucial role in filling key strategic positions within organizations. In recent years, procurement functions have become increasingly strategic, earning a “seat at the table” in many top-performing companies. Our client companies now seek procurement leaders with expertise in areas such as Global Strategic Sourcing, Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), the 7 Step Sourcing process, Supplier Relationship Management (SRM), and the ability to work with and influence senior stakeholders. Additionally, they value skills in setting category management strategies and New Product Introduction experience. These competencies, along with a proven track record in driving cost savings, are precisely what Optimum SCR’s procurement recruiters specialize in identifying and professionally screening.

With this singular focus and expertise on recruiting for Procurement positions, Optimum’s Procurement recruiters are the best and fastest in the business at finding top candidates! It’s why our clients come back to us and it is why Optimum has been a go to Procurement recruiting partner to help build up new Procurement organizations and supply chain management departments to support those organizations through a Procurement Transformation.
Hire Top Talent   800-300-7609

Why OptimumSCR is a Leader Among Procurement Recruiting Firms

When your bottom line is on the line, choosing the best strategic recruiting partner is paramount. You need a team you can trust with the experience, expertise and flexibility to source the ideal talent for your opening. Optimum Supply Chain Recruiters is the expert procurement executive search firm you’re looking for.

Other recruiting firms may offer these services as one of many, but Supply Chain, logistics and Procurement recruiting has been our specialty for over 30 years. Our professional Procurement Recruiters have the knowledge, supply chain talent network and expertise to quickly source, screen, recruit and submit the finest Procurement professionals!

We maintain active industry memberships and have the know-how to gauge expertise in numerous skills, including:

  • Global Strategic Sourcing
  • Low Cost Country (LCC) Sourcing
  • eSourcing
  • RFx experience
  • Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)
  • Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
  • Cost Savings
  • Emerging technologies (i.e. P2P, S2P)
Procurement Recruitment

How Our Procurement Headhunters Help

OptimumSCR uses a consultative approach to help fill your vacancies, which means you can choose the service best for your company.

Options include:

The Procurement Cycle

Category Assessment

Requirement Definition & Scope

Strategy Development

Strategy Execution

Negotiation & Contract Award

Implementation & Transition

Supplier Relationship Managment

Positions Our Procurement Recruiters Help Fill

As a stand-out service provider among supply chain managment recruitment agencies, OptimumSCR helps organizations across numerous industries fill key supply chain vacancies, regardless of the position level. We have a track record of successful placements with titles like:

  • VP of Procurement
  • Director of Procurement
  • Associate Director of Procurement
  • Procurement Manager
  • Senior Strategic Sourcing Manager
  • Procurement Operations Manager
  • Category Manager
  • Senior Buyer

Locations We Serve

We recruit purchasing professionals nationwide meaning we can recruit local talent in any city across the United States.  Learn more about our procurement staffing recruitment services near you. Below are just a few of the cities in which we do a lot of work.

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Rely on Procurement Headhunters From OptimumSCR

We have a proven method for sourcing, identifying and evaluating the best procurement talent, and we stand behind our  recruiting services and search strategy with clear contracts detailing our guarantees. We’ll learn your company culture, roles and responsibilities to devise a personalized  candidate search strategy that align with them.

Hire Top Talent  800-300-7609