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How We Use AI to Find Top Talent in the Supply Chain Discipline

How We Use AI to Find Top Talent in the Supply Chain Discipline

A supply chain operates through the successful interaction of interdisciplinary departments, each with its own crucial place in the company. When purchasing, planning, manufacturing, inventory and other departments work together properly, it makes for a smooth and efficient supply process. When a part of the big picture is missing, however, it can cause problems in the chain — and that’s why filling a supply chain vacancy quickly is so crucial.

Whether you’re looking for an executive or mid-level position, you need your vacancy filled efficiently and effectively — with the best candidate possible. We know finding top talent in the supply chain and logistics disciplines is difficult, and that’s why we’re here to help. Here’s what you need to know about our services at OptimumSCR and how we use artificial intelligence in our recruitment.

AI Recruitment for Supply Chain Candidates

The supply chain and logistics industries need every moving part to operate efficiently — including the most qualified, skilled candidates for the job. Unfortunately, the current workforce is severely lacking in qualified candidates with the right kind of skills. This talent shortage — paired with the large quantity of open supply chain positions in the market — makes recruiting the right candidates more difficult than ever. But it’s also what makes AI recruitment more successful for your needs.

When you’re searching for someone to fill your supply chain’s vacancy, you’re looking for a candidate with more than matching credentials. As a contributor to your company and a vital part of operations, you want a candidate with extensive experience, a proactive attitude, problem-solving abilities, analytical skills, leadership qualities and strong communication. Each department or role requires a different variation and degree of these abilities, so you’re looking for candidates with very specific skills. An online job search site won’t make it easy for you to identify these skills in potential talent — but OptimumSCR’s AI recruitment will.

How Optimum Supply Chain Recruiters Uses AI Recruitment in 2019

Here at OptimumSCR, we know that standard job sites don’t work for recruiting the supply chain candidates you need — that’s why we use a more efficient method specifically targeted toward the talent you want. With OptimumSCR’s Supply Chain Talent Match software, we can recruit both active and passive candidates that fit your job description — assuring we find you the talent with the right skill set.

Through our AI recruitment software, both candidates and companies fill out detailed, tailored questionnaires that address who they are and what they’re looking for. For companies, your profile includes your open positions, company goals, candidate requirements, responsibilities and desired personality traits. For candidates, the questionnaire allows them to anonymously describe their professional background, personal goals, career aspirations, skills and qualifications.

With our Algorithm-Based Attribute Matching Software, our system introduces your open positions to the candidates that match your requirements best. When the matching candidates view the position and are interested in applying, the system shares their resume with you.

Our AI recruitment software lets you skip the time-consuming steps of advertising your position and sorting through unqualified candidate pools. Instead, we introduce you to a streamlined system that matches you with the most relevant, qualified talent for your company — so you can choose from the best of the best.

Contact OptimumSCR today to learn more about our expert recruitment services.

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