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Selecting the Right Supply Chain Candidate

Selecting the Right Supply Chain Candidate

At Optimum Supply Chain Recruiters, we specialize in finding top talent in the supply chain discipline. We understand the importance of selecting the right candidate for the job and have a proven record of matching top talent for supply chain positions.

Hire Top Talent

How to Hire the Right Employee for Your Business

We use several strategies to select the right candidates for your company’s open jobs:

1. Knowing Your Company Culture

Finding candidates with the right skills and experience is just the first step in selecting the right candidate for the job. Choosing a person who will fit in with your company’s culture is key to their fitting in with the rest of your team and staying on longer.

If you pick a candidate just for their skills and experience, they may not stay on as long if they don’t fit in with the company culture. When they don’t stay as long as you’d like, you’re back in the original position of searching for another candidate.

By choosing Optimum Supply Chain Recruiters, we work to understand your company’s ins and outs so we can match you with the best candidates. One candidate may excel at your company but struggle at a different one. This makes this factor an important one when it comes to the recruitment process.

2. Considering All Applicants

Some recruiters screen out applicants to make the pool smaller. When we receive applications and begin searching for candidates, we do go through a screening process. But, we also recognize that sometimes companies screen out candidates who would actually be excellent fits for the position.

In job postings, specifying the minimum number of years of experience and other skills and certifications is key to finding the right candidates. Making these minimum qualifications set in stone, though, can be limiting in the search.

Even if someone doesn’t have so many years of experience working in a role or doesn’t know the exact software you use, they may still be a great fit. For any role, there’s a learning curve. New candidates can always learn the specifics of the job during this time.

Not discounting candidates because of technicalities opens up the candidate pool. The person who ends up being the perfect pick may have been someone who was screened out.

3. Pursuing Active and Passive Job Seekers

Supply chain positions require specific skills and experience. With a smaller pool to start with, we understand the importance of pursuing both active and passive job seekers. The best candidate may be someone who is not currently searching for a new job.

We look at applications from active job searchers and also look for referrals. Even if someone isn’t actively seeking employment, they may be open to leaving their current position if the right opportunity comes along.

By only looking at active job seekers, you eliminate many potential candidates right away. We know the importance of considering every possible candidate in hiring the right employee.

With the option to choose between dedicated engagement recruiting and contingency recruiting , you have the options to choose the right fit for your unique needs. If you’re ready to find the perfect candidate for an open position in the supply chain industry, please contact us today to learn more about our services or to begin our search for top talent for your company.

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