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How to Resign From Your Job Professionally

How to Resign From Your Job Professionally

Resigning from a job in a professional manner can be challenging, especially if you want to continue a relationship with the company. Depending on your circumstances, you may even be wondering how to resign from a job you like.

The good news is it is possible to leave a job while staying on good terms with the former employer. There are important factors to consider to do this well, like what to say when resigning, and perhaps more importantly, how to say it. If you’re looking to make a career change, check out these tips on how to resign from your job.

Finalize Your New Position

Before taking any steps toward resigning from your current job, make sure to finalize your new job details entirely. A job offer does not solidify the change of positions. Make sure all aspects like salary, benefits and your start date are in writing with a signed contract before moving forward. It would put you in an awkward spot to announce your resignation but not have a job to leave for in the end.

Ensure your job change is guaranteed before mentioning it at all. Once you have done this, proceed with the next steps.

Prepare a Letter of Resignation

You should definitely deliver the news in person first, but you will also want to write an official letter announcing your resignation. The letter should feature a professional tone without too much emotion. Keep the messaging straightforward and short. You don’t need to draw things out in a heartfelt message. The letter serves as an official document that goes in your employment file, so save the emotion for when you talk to your manager.

How to Talk to Your Boss About Resigning

Schedule a chat with your manager, supervisor or boss about the resignation. It may be hard to decide what to say when resigning, but you have to have this conversation in order to move on. Try to keep your explanation positive or at least neutral during the meeting. This part will be easier when resigning from a job you like.

Negative or positive, you don’t want to burn bridges, so keep the message simple. You may have the opportunity for an exit interview where you can discuss your experiences in more depth.

Sort Out Logistics

When leaving a job, you need to take care of some logistical items. First, you’ll want to set your last day. Knowing your start date at the new job will impact this, as well as other factors like remaining vacation days. If you need to return company items and equipment, you will want to sort those details out with your employer. You also want to save or forward documents you stored on computers at work and retrieve any personal items from your workspace.

Something to figure out as part of your resignation is the transfer of responsibility. Who will take over your projects or clients? You will likely need to debrief them on information and processes before you leave. Coming in with a list of suggestions for transferring things shows that you thought through the process and care about the company. If you want, offer to help during the transition as well. This consideration continues to demonstrate that you are a good employee.

Craft Your Explanation

It is tough breaking the news to fellow workers. You built bonds and worked on tough projects together. They will ask about your departure, so come prepared to answer the “why.” If your reason for leaving does not involve a negative view of the employer, it’s okay to share. Sometimes, new opportunities pop up and they’re too good to refuse. This is completely normal — your coworkers will understand.

If the reason for leaving is negative, you might want to put it in different terms. Just because you had a negative experience does not mean that others did. You don’t want to start problems by talking about your own issues with the company. To leave in a professional manner, you do not want to seem like a scorned employee. Instead, say you found a better opportunity that you would like to explore. Be careful not to share too much detail.

How to Plan for an Exit Interview

Ask your boss or manager for an exit interview. To clarify, this isn’t the first time you announce your departure. That chat should occur earlier, before handing in your resignation letter. In this exit interview, you will hear what they thought of your performance. You will also have the ability to give your own feedback about your personal experience. This could include things you did not mention in your initial chat with your manager. If you feel comfortable, ask for a reference for future needs during this time.

For more guidance, let the team at Optimum Supply Chain Recruiters help you navigate a job or career change. We have the resources and expertise to guide you through this time of transition. Our team has helped thousands of people advance in their careers and find their dream jobs in the supply chain and logistics disciplin, and we want to do the same for you. Reach out with your resume today and take the next step in your career.

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