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Recruiting Trends for 2019

Recruiting Trends for 2019

Recruitment trends are important for organizations in the supply chain and logistics discipline. You can be sure other organizations are using these talent acquisition trends to find their top talent, and you want to ensure you are aware so you can attract the best-suited candidates to your open positions.

Recruitment Trends

Some of the biggest recruitment trends of this year include:

  • Social and digital recruitment: It’s probably no surprise that online marketing tools and platforms are an important way for talent and companies to connect. Organizations in the supply chain and logistics discipline can use social platforms to build company brands to attract talent, and candidates can use the same tools to indicate their skills and research the culture and mission of companies that interest them.
  • Diversity: Companies are increasingly aware diversity hiring brings many voices to the table and benefits the entire team and organization. A diverse workplace can foster cultural awareness among team members, can bring new skills and ideas to the table and is appealing to customers. Blind hiring and hiring specifically to promote diversity are hot trends right now.
  • Analytics and data: Artificial Intelligence (AI), digitized data collection and analysis and other types of new technology allow for automation of many parts of recruiting. Recruiting is becoming more mobile and is focused less on intuitive approaches. Instead, recruitment is often based on hard research and numbers.
  • Passive talent pools: Companies expect to be able to recruit from those candidates who were not selected during past recruitment. For this reason, there is a growing trend to ensure all candidates in the passive talent pool have had a positive recruitment process. This helps build the organization’s brand as those candidates share their experiences with others, and it allows companies to build up a pool of talent who have already had a positive experience with the company and may be more open to offers in the future. In other words, the candidate who was not a good fit today but has had a good experience is more likely to be the right fit and eager to work in the company after attaining more experience and skills.
  • Screening: New technology allows recruiters to screen candidates by skills, soft skills and other traits. This is especially often used with passive talent pools, where more information is available. Today’s faster screening allows positions to be filled with less delay than in the past since the software available can pull up promising talent quickly.

Are You Embracing Recruiting Trends?

If you are in the logistics or supply chain discipline, you are in a candidate-focused market with high unemployment rates, so finding a ready pool of candidates is a challenge. Embracing tools that help make the process smoother can give you an advantage.

Working with professional recruiters ensures you don’t have to stay on top of these trends and learn new technologies every few months. You can also rely on the extensive experience of specialists. Optimum Supply Chain Recruiters, for example, have more than a century of combined experience and are specialists in the supply chain and logistics discipline. If you have open positions, fill out a form at Optimum Supply Chain Recruiters to find the right talent.

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