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Tips For Hiring The Right Employee

Interview process

The importance of hiring the right employee in the supply chain discipline cannot be overstated, especially at the executive level. Leaders make decisions that impact savings, inventory, delivery times, manufacturing and just about every other facet of your organization. Making the right hiring decisions in this area is crucial.

Knowing how to find the right employee is a great skill to have, and it becomes a little more manageable with these tips:

1. Go to Where the Candidates Are

Hiring good employees can become simpler if you have access to a good talent pool. The best-specialized recruiter, through their networking and connections with industry associations will bring this pool to you. For junior positions, it is important to develop a relationship with the top supply chain schools in the country. Your organization needs to have a program in place that helps these newly degreed individuals flourish within your organization.

One challenge is that some of your most qualified candidates may currently be working for other organizations. They may not be actively seeking a position. Finding these passive candidates requires a high level of expertise and networking.

Optimum Supply Chain Recruiters can help. We specialize in recruiting services for the supply chain and logistics disciplines. We have an extensive database of candidates and we are always networking. Our team works with passive candidates, so we can find you the future team leaders you simply cannot find elsewhere.

2. Get Clear About Expectations and Needs Before You Search

One of the best hiring tips for employers is to start with needs. Can you define exactly what qualifications and education your candidates need? Which are the essential features and which are nice to have? Can you clearly state what candidate you are looking for in one paragraph?

One of the best hiring tips for employers is to start with needs. Can you define exactly what qualifications and education your candidates need? Which are the essential features and which are nice to have? Can you clearly state what candidate you are looking for in one paragraph?

3. Have a Great Vetting Plan in Place Before You Search, and Know What to Look For

Finding the right candidate is only part of the puzzle. Your search may yield multiple possibilities, so you need to find a screening process that works. Who will interview potential candidates? What specific keywords are you looking for on a resume? Will you be using software to scan resumes? What will be more important in a candidate: a history of saving money for companies or a candidate with experience managing a large number of SKUs?

4. Get Professional Help

Being an HR professional or business owner is already hectic, and the hiring process can add significant stress and time demands on your schedule. Why not hire professionals who have the resources to find the right candidates quickly while saving you time? With Optimum Supply Chain Recruiters, you can tap into the passive candidate market, work with recruiters focused on the supply chain discipline and get professional, unbiased insight into the candidates that might be the right fit for you.

If you’re looking for the best way to hire new employees, contact Optimum Supply Chain Recruiters to discuss your needs. Working with an experienced and supply-chain focused recruiter means you get someone who speaks your language and understands what you need in a candidate. We can find someone for interim, full-time and other positions quickly and efficiently, and our constant networking events ensure we find the most talented professionals in the discipline, so we can bring them to you.

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